Communication Tips That Can Help Relationships

Effective communication is a skill, and as such it must be learned like any other skill. Unfortunately, when we were growing up many of us were not taught how to communicate effectively. With that in mind, here are some tips for communicating effectively with others…

Embracing Gratitude

  As May is coming to a close and we’re making headway into June I started to reflect of this past month. So much has happened; we celebrated our mothers for Mother’s Day, honored our deceased veterans for their service, as well as celebrated our graduates on their accomplishments. Now, looking forward we’ll soon be […]

Taxed to the Max

April showers bring May flowers but that’s not all that April brings; it also brings anxiety and stress as tax season comes to head. In our lives there are times when we feel taxed to the max. We feel taxed by life, people, and our jobs among other things. Taxation cause stress and a reduced […]

Getting To ‘Happy’ In the Midst Adversity

As we acknowledge Black History Month we applaud the efforts and strong will by those who refused to be silent in the face of racism and stood for their beliefs, dignity and community. Those persons braved the Jim Crow laws, segregation, defamation, and degradation in spite of being treated uncivilized, like ravage animals in the […]

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